
Showing posts with label Don Cherry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don Cherry. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Don Cherry's Twitter Stories

Don Cherry subtle jacket
Don Cherry is killing it on Twitter.

Most of his tweets are the usual Coach's Corner-type rants, but he has also started telling some more mundane stories that are actually pretty (unintentionally) hilarious.

In a recent interview with James Mirtle of the Globe and Mail, Don Cherry opened up about many things, his newfound love of Twitter among them.

"Well, nobody knows why I’m on Twitter. But what happened was, about five guys had my name out there, using my name as Twitter. So, CBC, they said we’ve got to protect ourselves. So we want you in the playoffs to start a Twitter. And I was ‘Come on, are you kidding?’ I thought Twitter was for birds to tell you the truth."

But Don doesn't tweet himself, something Marlies coach Dallas Eakins made light of after Don criticized how Eakins and the Leafs handled Nazem Kadri arriving at training camp out-of-shape. 
"So what I do is I phone in if I see something that bothers me. She (Kathy Broderick) takes care of it. She does the typing and all of that because I couldn’t do all that.

I'm having some fun on Storify compiling the tweets and adding a little extra.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Viktor Stalberg Effect

So far this preseason, the Leafs are 3-3, good enough for fifth best in the Eastern Conference. Although this is a little disingenuous as they have played more games than anyone, except for Montreal and Ottawa, who have a combined three wins between them.

But, really, it doesn't matter at all. Tons of people get so worked up over the preseason and how well their team is doing when it doesn't matter. These games are pretty pointless.

Some people would agree, but argue that individual efforts are worth considering.

All I have to say to that is Viktor Stalberg! Viktor. Stalberg.

My latest post for The Good Point examines just how pointless these September games are, for both individuals and teams. The take home message: relax, there's plenty of time for you to push the panic button during the first week of the regular season, you don't have to get worried before the season actually begins.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cognitive Decline in the Elderly

don cherry stupidI think we need to make a weekly column highlighting the nonsense spewed from Don Cherry’s mouth.

Don Cherry has many valid and well-formed opinions on hockey. His advocacy for no-touch icing, illustrated almost weekly with graphic visuals, is the most sensible of all. He promotes a style of hockey that embraces blocking shots and sticking up for your teammates. He defends the underdog. However, he’s also like the one Grandpa everyone knows. The one who occasionally makes a remark at the dinner table about the coloured fellow down the street that causes uneasy glances between family members. It seems like with each passing week these comments are more common. It also seems like each week he just has to say something utterly stupid directly related to hockey.

Tonight’s verbal lunacy was directed to one of my favourite whipping boys, Sheldon Souray. Cherry had the audacity to mention both the Norris Trophy and Sheldon Souray in the same sentence. Cherry said that no one ever mentions Souray for the Norris and they should. What? There is a reason no one mentions Sheldon “excuse me while I collect this minus” Souray when they discuss the Norris. In which alternate universe is Sheldon Souray considered even an adequate defenceman?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Say NO to Joe in 2010

joe thornton patrick marleau choke
Don Cherry needs to be stopped. I can put up with the subtle racism and blatant xenophobia, but I will not stand for his latest verbal proclamation. Last Saturday’s Coach’s Corner featured Don showing clips of Joe Thornton, Patrick Marleau, and Dany Heatley, while exclaiming this is your No. 1 line Canada. Oh, please.

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